Learn how to make perfect capsule-beads using my signature technique and become the best specialist in your town with a set-up flow of clients.
Unique online course by Katya Kozlovich
the course author
top master in hair extension
Learn how to make perfect capsule-beads using my signature technique and become the best specialist in your town with
a permanent flow of clients.
• new level of works • perfect capsules • sticking out from competitors • high price • permanent clients' flow • your own team
The best on the market
My course has won a “Business HEG Awards 2023”
You lack professional knowledge and the level of works does not allow you to raise prices. You want to scale and delegate, but you
are scared to hire staff.
You want to master a new creative profession where you make your own schedule and control your income.
You want to take a prize place in the championship, but you can feel a huge competition in the niche are not confident enough with your skills.
You will fill in all the knowledge gaps from previous training and build a competent system in work so that you work less and earn more.
You’ll get all of the skills and knowledge modern master needs to enter the market and build a stable income in the profession.
You will learn how to make the most modern capsules that have already won international awards several times and increase your chances of winning.
who is the course for
newbies with no experience
practicing masters
championships participants
You’ve learned how to make perfect bead-capsules that are not visible in a row
You know and can perform more than 70% of the things hair extension specialists do in your city
You know how to extend hair without loops, capsule slippage and hair combing
your result after the course
You’ve a clear idea of how to make
a team and set up business processes to get more things done
You don’t receive customer complaints anymore, they recommend you and come back themselves
You’ve improved your skills and speed of work and prepared for the championship on a decent level
I have collected all my 7 years experience in extensions, working with clients, building a team and preparing for championships.
My students get back the cost of the course in the first month and save years of marking time.
Act now to become the best master in your town!
My course is a one-time investment that will pay back many times in new clients and a new level of income.
Я собрала весь свой 8-летний опыт наращивания, работы с клиентами, построения команды и подготовки
к чемпионатам.
Мой курс — разовая инвестиция, которая многократно окупится тебе новыми клиентами
и новым уровнем дохода.
the course program
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You’ll learn:
  • Everything you need to begin (tools and materials)
  • Step by step plan to find models
  • Proven sales script
modul 1. tools to get started
Your result:
  • You know how to go through the course to make the most out of it
  • You’ve learnt all of the necessary materials for a hair extension master’s job and start ordering them
  • How to find models and customers
You’ll learn:
  • How to calculate a price
  • How to consult clients online & offline
modul 2. clients and models
Your result:
  • You know how to set the right price and make customers pay great
  • You know to find model and customers easily
  • You understand how to speak to clients in person so that they don't go with a phrase "ok, thank you, I'll think about it"
  • You understand how to speak
  • to clients in person so that they don't go with a phrase "ok, thank you, I'll think about it"
modul 3. everything about hair
  • You've learnt all the details of working with different types of hair
  • You know the most important basic information about the hair and extension
Your result:
  • How to differ natural hair from artificial
You’ll learn:
  • What type of hair we use and which are the best
  • Techniques of hair extension - advantages and disadvantages
  • How the hair is produced
Module 4. Preparing hair for extensions — capsulation
Module 5. Ideal bonds
Module 6. How to situate hair bonds on head
  • You've learnt to make beautiful capsules with minimal loss of weight and length
  • You know the secret of my capsules
Your result:
  • You've learnt to encapsulate with and without carda
  • You've learnt how to quickly choose keratin color
  • How to make capsulation fast
You’ll learn:
  • Secret of small capsules (bonds)
  • How to choose keratin
  • You've learnt to make these ideal capsules using my proprietary technique
Your result:
  • You've mastered internal and external twisting and deepening techniques so that no one will guess that the client’s hair is “not his own.”
Module 8. Hair coloring
Module 7. Keratin (stick)
  • Standart, micro and nano bonds
You’ll learn:
  • How to make hair extensions safe and comfortable for clients
Module 9. Top specialist
  • How to make ombre, airtouch on donor hair
You’ll learn:
  • How to mix colors to get airtouch, balayage, ombre
  • You've learnt how to darken a hair root with a smooth color stretching with 2 techniques for each client personally
Your result:
  • You know how to do complex coloring (airtouch, balayage, ombre), highlighting on donor hair
  • What types of keratin to use
You’ll learn:
  • How to prepare gel keratin at home
Module 6. How to situate hair bonds on head
Your result:
  • You've learnt when and how is better to work with this or that type of keratin
  • You know how to make gel keratin and make money with it
  • You've absolutely stick out from competitors and reached a new level of work and income.
Your result:
  • You don't need to work on improving your skills for the next 1-2 years
  • 100 bonds per hour
You’ll learn:
  • How to divide hair for length
  • Mistakes and how to avoid them
  • Technique of invisible bonds
  • How to make small and invisible bonds on hair
  • You've got specific schemes of how to spread hair on the head for different cases with an indication of an amount of capsules for each row
Your result:
  • You know how to pick up hair for a client remotely/in person and do extensions without "caps" and transitions.
  • How much hair to use for every client
You’ll learn:
  • How to situate hair on the head (3 schemes)
Choose your tariff by clicking the “Enrol now” button, fill out the form and pay for access to the course.
Right after completing your order you will receive an email with your login details to join the platform with all course contents and a link to join the chat of participants. Access lasts for the period specified in the tariff.
You can go through the course at your own pace at any time from anywhere in the world. You only need stable internet connecting to access all of the platforms with all of the course materials.

You’ll be able to ask any questions in the chat of the participants.
1. Complete the purchase
Выберите свой тариф по кнопке “Записаться”, заполните форму и оплатите доступ к курсу.
2. Get an access to the lessons
Сразу после оплаты вы получите
письмо на почту с данными для доступа на платформу, где проходит курс и ссылкой на вступление в общий чат участников. Доступ сохраняется на срок, указанный в тарифе.
3. Study at your own pace!
You can go through the course at your own pace at any time from anywhere in the world. You only need stable internet connecting to access all of the platforms with all of the course materials.

You’ll be able to ask any questions
in the chat of the participants.
how it works?
Champion of the first international hair extension championship
Author of the course
Students from all over the world successfully completed my training
Founder of the International Academy of Hair Extensions
Award “Best Online Product according to the Business HEG Awards 2023”
Experience in the hair extension profession
Entered TOP 3 teachers and TOP 5 hair extension specialist in Belarus, Minsk
Owner of the KAZKA hair extension studio and school-salon with an area of ​​102 m²
kate Kozlovich
Judge and speaker of the International Eurasia Championship in Hair Extensions 2021-2023
Conducted trainings in Sardinia, Brussels, Warsaw, Riga, Tallinn and Vilnius
course access: 1 month
Modul 1. What you need to start
Modul 2. Clients and models
Modul 3. Everything about hair
Modul 4. Secrets of encapsulation
Modul 7. Keratin
Modul 5. Perfect capsules
course access: 3 months
Modul 6. Situating and selection of hair
Modul 8. Coloristics
Modul 9. Top-master
Модуль 1. What you need to start
Модуль 2. Clients and models
Модуль 1. What you need to start
Модуль 3. Everything about hair
Модуль 2. Clients and models
Модуль 4. Secrets of encapsulation
Модуль 5. Perfect capsules
Модуль 3. Everything about hair
Модуль 6. Situating and selection of hair
Модуль 4. Secrets of encapsulation
course access: 6 months
Модуль 7. Keratin
Модуль 8. Coloristics
Модуль 5. Perfect capsules
Модуль 9. Top-master
Модуль 6. Situating and selection of hair
Модуль 7. Keratin
Модуль 8. Coloristics
Модуль 9. Top-master
11 new lessons
- Introductory lesson
- Necessary tools
- Washing and drying hair
- 3 ways of strands encapsulation
- Technique "Beads"
- Technique “Deepening”
- Cascade staging
- Hair styling with Dyson
- Preparing for the championship
- Time management
- Search and recruitment of employees
11 new lessons
Homework check by a TUTOR
(after completing all of the home tasks)
choose your tariff
Homework check by a TUTOR
10% discount for other online productsby kate kozlovich
(after completing all of the home tasks)
student support chat
personal tutoring by kate kozlovich
(checking homework, feedback and assistance with completing the course)
11 new lessons
- Introductory lesson
- Necessary tools
- Washing and drying hair
- 3 ways of strands encapsulation
- Technique "Beads"
- Technique “Deepening”
- Cascade staging
- Hair styling with Dyson
- Preparing for the championship
- Time management
- Search and recruitment of employees
10% discount for other online productsby kate kozlovich
(after completing all of the home tasks)
student support chat
personal tutoring by kate kozlovich
(checking homework, feedback and assistance with completing the course)
(проверка дз, обратная связь по всем вопросам и помощь в прохождении курса)
личная работа с катей козлович
(проверка дз, обратная связь
по всем вопросам и помощь
в прохождении курса)
livechanging course
Scroll left
- did an online course and then come to do an offline course in person
- opened her own beauty salon in London after doing a course and launched her own courses
- quit her job in a bank, learnt hair extension from a zero level. Bought a brand new car after completing a course - she could only dream about something like that before!
- launched her own educational couses
- opened her own studio and launched a training
- the winner and the judge of championships
- from being a taxi-driver to becoming an owner of her own studio and hair extension trainer
- one of the world TOP 5 masters
- launched her hair extension training in Australia
- did an online course top master from a zero level and completed an advanced training afterwards
-- did an online course top master from a zero level and completed an advanced training afterwards
proved by my students
I have trained over 1000 students from 8 countries around the world. Top hair extension masters and championships winners that you’re subscribed for have done my course already.

Scroll the carousel to view some of my student results
students feedback
You can achieve this too!
video about the course
students works before&after the course
Contact us on Telegram — my team will help you
still have questions?
IE Kozlovich Ekaterina Nikolaevna
PAN 692148896
ОГРН: 321784700354780
© 2024. All rights reserved
Privacy policy
Payment rules
Adress: 220099, Belаrus, Minsk,
Dzerzhinskogo Avenue 21, office 503B
E-mail: kazkahair@gmail.com
Phone number: +375447080728
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